Liverpool 175 Days in the West Archive

The Un-offical Liverpool and St George Registrar Teaching material has now been moved to the Liverpool 175 Days in the West Archive.

Welcome to the unofficial home for General Surgery registrars of the South-Western Network.

At present, this webpage is intended as a resource for the on-line collection and review of Liverpool Hospital’s Monday Morning Registrar Teaching Sessions. Future additions to this webpage are being planned and should include teaching sessions from other hospitals within our network.

This site is still continually updating, so please feel free to have a look around – the latest updates are shown in the bottom left corner of the page.

Remember that the presentations on this website are the result of the hard work of your peer registrars. Please consider this if using the information contained here as a learning or teaching resource.

If you have any ideas as to how this site might be improved for your day to day needs, please feel free to contact us.

Here’s to making the best of our six months together.  175 days