Term 1 2014

Here is the list of Term 1 2014 topics


Location: Thomas and Rachael Moore Education Centre
Time: 07:00 – 07:30
17/02/2014 Benign Breast disease Abraham
24/02/2014 The golden hour TRAUMA RESUSCITATION T1 2014 M Smith/Pilasi
3/03/2014 Imaging in trauma, DPA/DPL, FAST N Smith/Pilasi
10/03/2014 Chest drains, underwater seal drains Chest Drain T1 2014 Ashrafizadeh/Pilasi
17/03/2014 Abdominal compartment syndrome Vanlioglu
24/03/2014 Wound healing Ooi
31/03/2014 Anatomy of the inguinal and femoral canals; TEPP view of hernias Nesvaderani
7/04/2014 Breast and axillary anatomy, brachial plexus Yabe
14/04/2014 Breast cancer genes, syndromes Bull
28/04/2014 Embryology, anatomy and physiology of the adrenal glands Errignton
12/05/2014 Embryology, anatomy and physiology of the thyroid gland Lendzion
19/05/2014 Embryology, anatomy and physiology of the parathyroids Ang
26/05/2014 Skin histology_SCC_BCC Forsyth
2/06/2014 Embryology, anatomy and physiology of the pancreas P Conroy
16/06/2014 Pancreatic insufficiency Abraham
23/06/2014 Embryology, anatomy and physiology of the liver Liverpool Liver Anatomy T1 2014 N Smith
30/06/2014 Chronic liver disease M Smith
7/07/2014 Biliary anatomy and physiology Ashrafizadeh
14/07/2014 Cholangiocarcinoma, gallbladder cancer Vanlioglu
21/07/2014 Embryology, anatomy and physiology of the oesophagus Ooi
28/07/2014 GORD, hiatus hernia Nesvaderani
4/08/2014 Embryology Anatomy and Physiology of the Stomach Yabe
11/08/2014 Anatomy of the coeliac trunk, SMA, and IMA Bull
18/04/2014 Anatomy, histology and physiology of the small bowel Errington
25/08/2014 Meckel’s diverticulum, jejunal diverticula Lenzion